For league media requests, please contact pr@ontariojuniorlacrosse.com
For team media requests, please contact the teams directly.
If you are a media representative and would like more information about media accreditation for the upcoming season, click here.
photography policy
OJLL has established a policy for all photographers gaining admittance to OJLL events. Only photographers with OJLL Photographer Accreditation will be permitted to take photos at OJLL events. OJLL Photographer Accreditation will only be issued for legitimate media use and is subject to approval by OJLL.
IMAGE AND LIKENESS The Ontario Lacrosse Association and its member leagues are the only parties authorized to publish photography and/or videography of player participation in sanctioned activities and events for publicity and promotional purposes.
COMMERCIAL USE General admittance to OJLL events does not imply permission to sell photos for any purpose. Commercial use will only be granted to official league photographers.
To request OJLL Photographer Accreditation, please contact pr@ontariojuniorlacrosse.com
Social media policy
The Ontario Lacrosse Association (OLA) social media policy is an internal policy that applies to players, staff, officials and anyone associated with Ontario Lacrosse Association leagues and its teams. Non-compliance with this policy may be considered as misconduct, harassment, or in certain circumstances, contravention of the law.
The Ontario Junior Lacrosse League® (OJLL) players, coaches, and staff are expected to follow the social media policy developed by the Ontario Lacrosse Association. However, it is up to individual teams to make sure their players are aware of it and are educated on how to appropriately and effectively use social media.